Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Couch Potatoes

When I was a kid we watched tv. A LOT of tv. We could even quote most of the commercials, at which point mom would say, "You've been watching TOO MUCH tv, go outside and play."

With that in mind...take this quiz and see how much tv you used to watch. I scored 100.

Kinda sad. But today with today's shows I probably couldn't even tell you half of what's even on. I'm getting better. (Well, that and the fact that my tv only gets 6 channels!)


Walker said...

TV theme songs II
Score: 100% (15 out of 15)

May explain why I have gone through so many couches in ten last 10 years lol

se7en said...

What no Mod Squad? LOL

Rain said...

I flunked the quiz...I only got 4 right.

I've never been a fan of t.v =0)

Peter said...

I gave up when I found that a lot of the shows didn't make it to Oz.

Hale McKay said...

If you can name half of the current TV shows on now - you watch more TV than me. I can only name about 5 and I don't watch them.

Thanks for Sci-Fi, Discovery, Science, etc., channels.